The Pillow of Hands
I rest upon the pillow of heaven, the cradled hands of my father. I lift my head; my mouth fills with words and wonder. Stars explode into being. The wind pulses through the valley - the hot heart and breath of god. I am flesh of my father's flesh. His sorrows are mine, his joys, his spirit. I rest on the pillow of his hands. The fallen shall rise and the uprisen shall fall. He shall comfort them. Sleepers wake and the awakened forget; such rhythm is the restless tide. I rise gently, fall softly. There is no struggle, no more tormented dreams on the pillow of his hands, Oh Osiris.
Awakening Osiris - A New Translation of The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Normandi Ellis
Page 181
Seven of Cups
14 years ago
You're writing all kinds of deep stuff. I can't compete with that. I'm writing about eating candy and watching the cats sleep.
Its gonna be a long day.
I am copying and pasting and typing out of books because I lack your creativity. Your blog is much more interesting. Mine is much more Virgoan :)
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